On Thu, Dec 08, 2005 at 10:28:14AM -0500, Blake Crosby wrote:
| Does anyone know of any tools to manage multiple windows servers?
| For example, have an interface to start/stop services on all
| machines... or push config files to all the windows servers?
On Dec 8, 2005, at 7:56 AM, Lennart Sorensen answered:
| Well I imagine running ssh server on them (like cygwin can provide)
| and then using ssh to connect and run 'net start service' or 'net
| stop service' would work. Registry changes can be made by greating
| a .reg file and merging that (which I am sure can also be done from
| a command line). Not sure windows really has 'config files' any more.
| Personally I just avoid windows servers.
| Len Sorensen
Hm, this brings up something I was wondering about recently -- is
there a (preferably free) cygwin-less ssh server for windows? i.e.
one that just plops you at a command shell prompt?
I've been thrown into Windows-land just to update a web server with a
new version of a site. I ftp (note, sftp would be nice too) a zip to
the server, and then use a Java VNC applet to graphically select the
old folder, delete it and replace it with an unzipped new version.
This seems to me to be a collosal waste of bandwidth for something
that could easily be done on the command line. It would probably push
me into learning more about BAT syntax than I really wanted to know,
but hey.
For more fun, I've recently installed Ruby on Rails on the server, to
see if I can move the site over to that. It would be so much nicer
than the evil VBScript Hell I've been thrown into, I'll tell you.